Welcome to American Lead Free Kids Association
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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have determined that no safe level of lead in children's blood exists. Although the current limit is set at below 5 µg/dL, the reality is that lead is ubiquitous, and lead pollution is an everyday occurrence. Even if there is no lead-based paint in a child's home or daycare, it can be tracked in on shoes from the outside.
While we cannot control lead pollution, we can manage the cleaning of lead dust to ensure that our children are protected. We work closely with daycare facilities to ensure that the areas where our children spend the most time are thoroughly cleaned and carefully monitored. By taking these steps, we can significantly reduce the risk of childhood lead exposure and ensure that our children grow up healthy and strong.
Two Bucket System for Floors:
Place the mop in the detergent bucket. Squeeze out the excess water into the empty bucket and begin mopping the floor. Squeezing the dirty mop water into the second bucket will help keep you from recontaminating the clean water in the first bucket.)
It's important to note that washing alone may not be enough to completely remove all the lead dust. It's recommended to use a HEPA vacuum cleaner for a more thorough cleaning. If you suspect that your home has a significant amount of lead dust, it's best to contact a professional for proper removal and cleaning.
American Lead Free Kids Association also recommends using Lead Dust Cleaning products such as Fiberlock LeadSafe Cleaner to help with Lead Dust cleaning.
(LeadSafe Cleaner by Fiberlock Technologies quickly and effectively removes harmful lead dust after renovation, repair, painting or abatement projects. Designed with a combination of citric acid and chelating agents, LeadSafe actively lifts heavy lead molecules and other surface contaminants rather than spreading them around like traditional cleaning agents. Apply on any surface where dust from lead-based paint is present, including fences, doors, stairs, trim, ceilings, sills, moldings, floors, gates, baseboards and more. Follow all application instructions on label.)
Disclaimer: Fiberlock LeadSafe Cleaner does not sponsor or pay for any promotion of their product. We currently recommend this from many others because of the good reviews it received for helping many pass lead inspections.
EPA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) agree that there is no known safe level of lead in a child's blood. Taking action to reduce these exposures can improve outcomes. Lead is harmful to health, especially for children.
Even low levels of lead in the blood of children can result in:
In rare cases, ingestion of lead can cause seizures, coma and even death.
Lead can accumulate in our bodies over time, where it is stored in bones along with calcium. During pregnancy, lead is released from bones as maternal calcium and is used to help form the bones of the fetus. This is particularly true if a woman does not have enough dietary calcium. Lead can also cross the placental barrier exposing the fetus to lead. This can result in serious effects to the mother and her developing fetus, including:
Zero Stars:
This child occupied facility failed its lead test, either dust wipes, visual, XRF, or received results of extremely high leave levels outside its facility and had no inside tests done to show lead is not being brough into child’s occupied space through foot traffic. Please see attached report from ALFKA for more information.
One Star:
This child occupied facility doesn’t have any record of lead testing or inspections, nor was it tested and failed. It is however on the list of future inspections by ALFKA and a report will be posted on their profile.
Two Stars:
This child occupied facility doesn’t have any record of lead testing or inspections. It is on the waiting list to be tested by ALFKA. Two stars are given because it's license is posted which means it passed lead water testing. The recommendation is to use proper lead cleaning techniques and materials and to have proper lead dust testing done to determine lead levels in kid’s space. Provided their license #
Three Start:
This child occupied facility provided its lead safe records.
Four Stars:
This child occupied facility had a visual inspection done for peeling paint and lead dust wipes performed which determined that there is NO peeling paint and NO lead dust in the kid’s space. It also reports its cleaning procedures monthly.
Five Stars:
This child occupied facility went above and beyond to fully inspect its facility:
The purpose of ALFKA is to deliver comprehensive educational programs to daycare facilities regarding the testing, cleaning, and monitoring of lead dust that can be tracked indoors through foot traffic from parents, daycare providers, and the children themselves. Our primary focus is to educate daycares about the detrimental impact of lead dust on the development of young children. We provide in-depth guidance on proper testing and cleaning procedures for lead dust, offering assistance with the procurement of lead dust wipes for testing and cleaning purposes.
Our overarching goal is to offer free lead dust testing and cleaning materials to daycares in need, empowering them to integrate these practices into their regular routines and allocate resources within their own budgets. Additionally, we facilitate educational visits from our volunteer EPA Lead Licensed inspectors and Lead Risk Assessors, enabling daycares to benefit from their expertise. Our goal is to also offer free XRF inspection on all painted walls, windows and painted components to make sure all paint is lead free.
By implementing these initiatives, we aspire to ensure that no child is exposed to lead contamination originating from external sources, such as foot traffic, which subsequently accumulates in dust and may be ingested by children through hand-to-mouth contact.
We at ALFKA have been pointing out that ANY level of Lead is dangerous, so this step is getting us closer to having zero level of lead as standard!
Over 380 daycares already registered! Taking into account the advice of our experienced board members and advisors, we have decided to ensure that all our legal paperwork is in order before proceeding with the procurement of cleaning materials and lead dust wipes, which will be distributed to daycares. Additionally, we are actively pursuing our 501c3 status in order to receive assistance with grants and accept tax-deductible donations, which are eagerly awaited.
Once we have completed all necessary preparations, we will deploy our dedicated volunteers to provide comprehensive education on the proper usage of lead dust wipes and guidance on how to submit samples for testing, either to us or to laboratories.
In the meantime, we remain committed to providing educational resources to daycares and parents about the dangers of lead and lead dust, as well as instructions on how to test, clean, and monitor for its presence in environments where children are present.
ALFKA.org has just passed 200 registered daycares! We are super excited and can’t wait to provide more support to educate, train and assist in lead testing, cleaning, and monitoring!
ALFKA is super excited to have an Alex Meltsin join our board of directors! Mr. Meltsin has over 8 years’ experience in environmental consulting, project management and is a lead investigator and rist assessor! Mr. Meltsin will bring a world of knowledge to our team and help us in our mission.
Board Member: Karina Chinchilla Solano (non paid Volunteer)
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karina-chinchilla-solano-4b7037283/
With over 9 years in pharmaceutical industry and childcare work experience, Karina is our leader who manages all day to day operations while working with daycares to keep them informed on all events and appointment scheduling.
Board Member: Alex Meltsin (non paid Volunteer)
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-meltsin/
With over 10 years of environmental safety experience, Mr. Meltsin will bring a world of experience in lead, mold and asbestos safety. Mr. Meltsin main duty as a board member will be to make sure all funds are managed properly, and all field inspections are done on budget and with best and most accurate results. This will be done by providing training as needed for all new volunteers. Mr. Meltis will also vote on all growth propositions.
Board Member: Andrey Sverzhanovskiy (non paid Volunteer)
Mr. Sverzhanovskiy will lead in any air monitoring or project monitoring that will need to be conducted. Mr. Sverzhanovskiy works with both private environmental companies and with NYC MTA, conducting lead air monitoring and asbestos inspections.
Volunteer EPA Certified Lead Investigator: Gennadiy Khotinskiy
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gennadiy-khotinskiy-836a0931/